Harnessing Your Position in The Workplace As A Woman

Pooja Bernice
5 min readMay 29, 2022

“Stay true to yourself and your vision. Don’t let any one person’s opinion move you; listen, but be confident.”―Amanda Kahlow

These are the words I expect any woman to stand by, through any dire situation. I understand we are in a generation where men and women are given equal opportunities, but when the question arises, “Have we created a safe space for women to flourish?”, this remains unanswered even today.

Fortunately, I am a part of a workplace that does not encourage this stigma and promotes an inclusive culture, but even then, there are days, we as women, feel under the weather, and trust me, no one knows. No one has the ability to understand our side, mostly because they expect us to go with the flow or these small actions/words are not identified as a deal-breaker to the situation.

I often hear my female friends bicker about how they easily feel left out and non-included in work discussions and conversations, leading to unequal opportunities and lower self-confidence. There are various unseen factors that hamper growth for a woman in the workplace. Identifying this and solving it one at a time is important.

Our company recently organized a campaign that encouraged bringing women back to work and the keynote speaker Johana Flower inspired many women to voice out. She gave us some valuable advice that resonated with many women and applies to all fields, not alone tech.

A few pointers I picked from this productive session are laid out below, this will really help you make a mark in your workplace and truly boost your esteem -

  1. Voice out

Always try to think out loud and speak out your words and thoughts valiantly, if you hear passive-aggressive comments, do not let your guard down, just keep holding your position and continue with what you have to say. You may feel low or suppressed when people voice-over or take the limelight but do not feel threatened, always make your point, and don’t let anyone’s judgments/comments put you down. Believe in yourself.

2. Do Your Research

Before you voice out your opinion or you want an upper hand in an argument, it is always advised to “Do your research”, Do your complete research of the subject, and only then, your confidence rises and you can make your point to your team. Voicing out half-baked points usually dips down the crowd’s confidence in you. And when you are confident about what you want to convey, your word will be taken and people will pause to hear you out.

3. Choose your tribe wisely

Keep away from people who do not value you, or treat you inferior. You are never inferior to anyone. Your thoughts and ideas need to be equally valued. Avoid groups that put you down or constantly mock your views, and stick to groups that respect and value you. Your peers have to guide and help you, not mock your learning. If you do not find people supporting your actions to learn, feel free to report them and keep your immediate reporting superior informed, so necessary action is taken.

4. Set Boundaries

Learn to let your team/group know, what you are and are not ok with. You have all the right to say “no” to situations or actions you are not comfortable with. It is often ok to welcome new experiences, but if it is something away from your principles or your idea of “fun”, it is best to stay away and not let the pressure get to you. If you feel left out, let it be, it is better to be alone, rather than saying “yes” and feeling stuck in awkward circumstances. Learn to give your complete energy to things that matter, and situations that make you happy. At the end of the day, you need to be fulfilled and anything that sucks this feeling from you is a huge red flag.

5. Support other women in your workplace

This is the most important fact, always be there for other women. Stand up against comments and judgments that might be offensive. Support your clan and boost allyship among your peers. Always try to provide maximum help to your female colleagues.

6. Trust your instincts

Go with your gut. Don’t shy away from situations, be prepared and always on the go. Have the confidence that kills, and if you feel like something is right, stick to it and try your best to put your maximum till you succeed. You can do it, if you have the willpower to do it, never let any situation or problem make you feel small.

Ultimately, it is up to you and how you decide to put a handle on these situations. My biggest advice would be, to stay calm and look at the bigger picture. Focus on your growth and have friends around you who support this and respect your decisions.

There are times you might feel outnumbered, or the need to work twice as hard to secure your spot, a tad bit louder to voice out your opinions. As long as you have a supportive workplace where there is a positive synergy and understanding of gender neutrality you are in safe hands.

If there is an environment that does not support this, you need to take the big step to be the change and do whatever you can in your control to put this to rest, by calling out such instances and letting everyone know, that you are not ok with what is happening. This confidence and attitude from within are how you harness your position and achieve the greatest and stride ahead in your career.

To all the lovely women out there, never stop giving up, at any cost :)

