How to overcome REJECTION?

Pooja Bernice
4 min readAug 13, 2020
Photo by Bernard on Unsplash

“You are REJECTED” can be one of the most despairing sentences you’ve heard.

These rejections make you question yourself and your abilities.

Even when you have a constant notion of never giving up and moving on, something as simple as a small remark kills your confidence and shatters your beliefs.

So How exactly do you overcome rejections?

1. Stop giving fucks

Honestly the best way possible to get yourself out of a rut is not giving a flying fuck about what people think.

I found out the hard way. I used to feel inferior and left out at many places. I used to try hard to fit in, Please people and try to gain acceptance. I got dejected when they passed comments and kept putting me down.

At one point it got so tiring, I asked myself

Why am I doing this?

Who are these people?

What do they mean to me?

I gradually understood only a few relationships are worth it and if you listen to criticism from people who really care, only then it matters.

When people really care, they have your back no matter what and they do not reject you, they take you in help you change for the better.

2. Measure success through process and not results

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Humans are born impatient,

We start a new diet plan we need the results within a week,

We start studying something new, we want to master it in two days.

Please guys slow down.

No one can move mountains within a day.

People who are good at what they do take years of experience to master a skill.

Remember, they were also beginners at some point.

My impatience landed me into many problems in the past,

Like I mentioned in my previous blog post I have learned to slow things down and approach my problems in a calmer mindset.

It is always the journey

The journey is what matters in the end,

One experience that taught me this was my interview process,

In the beginning when I was unable to land a job in campus I was worried, when I passed out it was the worst,

The fear of failing kept lurking inside me and I was not able to crack even a single interview.

I felt worthless, like all my years of education were a utter waste,

Then I learnt to adapt to the ever changing world around me.

I looked into my flaws, tried to make it better,

After each rejected interview I would come back and write down what I didn’t know and what I was missing.

I took the effort to bridge the knowledge gap.

This time I was calm and composed, prepared for the worst and told myself

“Its ok if I don’t crack it, I tried my best to learn from my mistakes.”

This way I landed my first job.

3. The “Everything is for the better” Attitude

Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

You failed your exams?

You didn’t get your dream job offer?


“CCCOOORRRROOONAAAA” shattered all my plans

These are some of the most common troubles we all face, We feel like our life has ended for some reason.

Hold on guys this is just your

“Starting-Life Crisis”

This isn’t even your

“Mid-Life crisis” , It’s way worse, trust me. :)

Even the smallest inconvenience in my life and I feel the world is collapsing around me. LOL.

I am trying to change, I keep reminding myself no one is perfect in handling these situations and not everyone is like a ever positive yoda to smile away their problems and stay motivated and focused through the whole process.

We have our days but what is important is that we direction this feeling of helplessness into something that will benefit us.

Not to sound spiritual or preachy but there is a “God’s Plan”.

I am a firm believer in destiny, if it is meant to happen it will happen.

So if you feel like something you really really aspire for is been taken away from you, it is for the better good, Trust me.

There are definitely better things coming your way.

So next time you get a rejected job offer or someone is trying to put you down, just smile and laugh out loud. It Helps!

Only you know your worth, if people don’t get it, its their loss!

Stay Happy and Keep that smile alive Folks!

