Love is Boring

Pooja Bernice
3 min readDec 10, 2022
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Yes, you read it right, love is boring.

Why is it, out of all the forces in the world, this one is the strongest?
Everything that love makes us do, it’s unquestionable. We spiral right into it.

It proves to be our strength and our weakness at the same time.

Love can be perceived in different ways, but the most appropriate and realistic perception of this would be the mundanity of this feeling after a point in time.

What happens when the excitement dies down? When the sparks get less bright? It is at this point, that we start to find beauty in the little things that life has to offer.

Let it be the comfortable long silence on a long drive, or the eye-to-eye agreement at the grocery store, love has its own language. The language of simplicity is bound deep into our lives.

When our hearts are open to accepting this normal and imperfect version of the ones we love, it is then, we truly start to discover, there is more to a person than we know.

When we are ready to accept and move on with this idea, a small part of our heart is unlocked, giving way to new memories that bring us closer to reality.

Everything we know and feel about love is more of what is portrayed of it, than real-life experiences. I feel people and their stories are always deep-rooted in us, it is these stories, that have the power to embark a change in an individual.

Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash

My parents have been happily married for 25 years now, I admire them the most, seeing how they faced hardships together, made me realize the true meaning of this feeling. A feeling that cannot be matched by a sitcom or a rom-com, nothing can match the feeling of this emotion in real-life.

When you look at a couple and your heart goes like like “I want what they have”, not on their best days but on their worst, is when you really understand the value of this feeling.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Finding such love is rare, if you ever do, please hold them tight and never let them go, because, they will make even the dullest moments of your life worthwhile :)

